Who are you?

Invision is a place by creators, for creators and it’s at the heart of everything we do. We provide a marketplace for artists and modellers to sell 3d printed copies of their designs.

How does it work?

Quite easily! You can either buy existing designs from one of our creators' shop pages, or even set up your own.

What’s your pricing like?

We try to make our pricing fair, competitive and appealing. We also charge a completely flat postage and packaging rate to anywhere in the UK. (2021 - £4)

What sort of machines do you use?

At present we use commercially available machines to run a printer farm using MSLA and FDM printing methods which many hobbyists and small businesses are familiar with, we hope to expand this to further types of additive manufacturing process in the future.

So I can buy the same machines you use?

Of course! Many people who 3D print themselves have designed some of the items available on this website and run them off on their own machines.

Doesn’t that mean I could just do this myself?

You could indeed. Or you could let us handle the promotion, hosting, printing, processing, packaging and postage and you just sit back and reap the benefits.

What benefits?

Being creators ourselves, we understand and appreciate the hard work that goes into your designs, and as such we believe in giving you a fair share of the work you’ve put in. After all, our marketplace would be poorer without you here! You get a decent commission for every order made from one of your items.

How much commission?

That depends on the design submitted, but let’s say it's more than what rivals pay.

What’s the biggest thing you can print?

At present our largest resin machine has a build volume of 192 x 120 x 245 mm, and we hope to add larger machines very soon.

Why’s everything so grey?

Grey’s the most commonly available resin and most useful for painting for you, the customer, we will be looking at creating a permanent home for other resins & colours in the future. However, you can request alternative resins & specific colours, but this is at additional cost and a delay in when your order will be processed and dispatched.